Most Awesome Art (judged by Ayutac)

I love all fanart, but let's be real: Some look more awesome than others and even the best get swept away by the masses. Hence this pool.

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antinium artist:lechatdemon centenium character:xrniavxxel meta:animated meta:tagme spoiler:volume7 // 600x543 // 1.8MB // rating:Safeapron arm_raised artist:artsy_nada blue_chestwear blue_eyes blue_legwear brown_chestwear brown_footwear brown_hair caption character:erin_solstice earther female front_view human innkeeper jewelry looking_at_viewer medium_hair meta:meme meta:TWISocialMedia open_mouth pants ring shirt shoes smile solo sparkle spoiler:book1 standing // 1200x1697 // 229KB // rating:Safeartist:miguel character:erin_solstice earther human meta:tagme spoiler:volume7 // 675x900 // 924KB // rating:Safeaerial_view apron arm_raised artist:anito blood bolt bright_skin brown_eyes brown_hair character:erin_solstice earther female fire green_chestwear grey_background hairband human innkeeper long_hair looking_at_viewer looking_up lying lying_on_back meta:TWISocialMedia ponytail shirt simple_background skill_display smile solo spoiler:volume7 white_chestwear // 1467x2337 // 2.4MB // rating:Safeantinium artist:brack blue_chestwear character:pawn free_antinium front_view meta:TWISocialMedia quote red_background red_eyes sexless simple_background solo spoiler:volume7 text upper_body // 1350x1500 // 405KB // rating:Safearm_raised artifact artist:lechatdemon black_background blood blue_legwear bolt bright_skin brown_eyes brown_footwear brown_hair character:erin_solstice earther female front_view green_chestwear holding_umbrella human innkeeper light light_beam medium_hair pants shirt shoes simple_background solo spoiler:volume8 standing umbrella // 1773x2008 // 582KB // rating:Safeapron artifact artist:pkay bare_shoulders blood character:erin_solstice earther female front_view frown hairband holding_sword holding_umbrella innkeeper light long_hair looking_at_viewer pants solo spoiler:volume8 sword umbrella // 1151x1501 // 793KB // rating:Safeartist:enuryn garden_of_sanctuary meta:tagme skill_display spoiler:volume7 wandering_inn // 2202x1280 // 534KB // rating:Safearmor artifact artist:artsy_nada back_view character:zel_shivertail chestplate crowdfunding drake fire front_view green_scales grey_chestwear grey_footwear grey_legwear head_only heart heartflame_breastplate heartflame_set helmet looking_at_viewer male meta:TWISocialMedia scar sharp_nails simple_background solo spoiler:book6 spoiler:volume4 standing tail white_background wing yellow_eyes // 2500x3536 // 1.4MB // rating:Safeartist:artsy_nada bottomless brown_background brown_fur character:elirr_fultpar character:hexel_quithail closed_eyes duo flower gnoll grass green_scales hug kiss lamia lizardfolk male meta:TWISocialMedia plant robe side_view spoiler:volume7 standing tail yellow_robe // 848x1200 // 715KB // rating:Safearm_raised artist:lechatdemon beard bright_skin character:horrorpirate character:jiah character:lechatdemon character:pirateaba character:simmon comic flower front_view grey_legwear group long_hair looking_at_viewer medium_hair meta:meme mustache petal plant pointing red_chestwear red_hair tongue_out twi_community upper_body // 1200x2287 // 2.1MB // rating:Safeartist:qthebird artist:sirduckless character:belavierr_donamia character:lasica_feltail character:rufelt_owelt drake gnoll group human meta:tagme spoiler:volume8 witch // 2000x2828 // 6.1MB // rating:Safeantinium arm_raised artist:lechatdemon attack bag black_eyes blue_legwear bright_skin brown_eyes brown_hair character:erin_solstice character:pawn commissioner:ayutac duo earther female free_antinium front_view green_chestwear hand_on_arm human innkeeper jeans looking_at_viewer looking_down medium_hair nude open_mouth sexless spoiler:book1 standing sweatshirt // 1548x2008 // 999KB // rating:Safeanimal artist:brack duck meta:tagme meta:TWISocialMedia twi_community // 3258x2945 // 1.9MB // rating:Safeartist:enuryn character:rags character:teriarch dragon dragon_throne goblin height_comparison immortal meta:tagme spoiler:volume7 throne // 1920x928 // 2.9MB // rating:Safea'ctelios_salash artist:enuryn meta:tagme spoiler:volume7 // 1600x900 // 2.7MB // rating:Safeartist:theoko character:magnolia_reinhart human meta:tagme meta:TWISocialMedia spoiler:book1 // 1536x2048 // 5.6MB // rating:Safeartist:theoko character:ieka_imarris human meta:tagme meta:TWISocialMedia spoiler:book8 spoiler:volume5 // 1536x2048 // 3.5MB // rating:Safeartist:theoko character:serafierre_val_lischelle-drakle meta:tagme meta:TWISocialMedia spoiler:book10 spoiler:volume6 vampire // 1536x2048 // 1.6MB // rating:Safeartist:akntheartist character:pirate character:pirateaba meta:me's_pirate_contest meta:tagme // 2437x4355 // 7.2MB // rating:Safe
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